Namespace NetCord
- Account
Represents an account as part of an Integration object.
- Application
Applications or 'apps', are containers for developer platform features, and can contain bots installable to guilds and/or user accounts.
- Embed
Displays embedded content such as an image or URL, alongside a title and various other fields. You can only have up to 10 embeds per message, and the total text of all embeds must be less than or equal to 6000 characters.
- EmbedAuthor
Contains information about the author of an embed, used to render the author block.
- EmbedField
Contains information about an embed field, of which a maximum of 25 can be set per embed.
- EmbedFooter
Contains information used to render the footer block of an embed.
- EmbedImage
Contains information used for the rendering and display of images in embeds.
- EmbedProvider
Contains information used to display the provider tag at the top of an embed.
- EmbedThumbnail
Contains information used for the rendering and display of thumbnails in embeds.
- EmbedVideo
Contains information used for the rendering and display of videos in embeds.
- PartialGuildUser
Represents a GuildUser object that lacks a GuildId field, as well as methods relying on it.
- PartialGuildUserExtensions
Contains methods providing additional functionality for PartialGuildUser.
- User
Represents a user of any interactable resource on Discord.
- ApiVersion
Specifies the API version used in request paths.
- ChannelType
The type of a channel, dictating its features.
- GuildUserFlags
The flags on a GuildUser object, mostly undocumented by Discord.