Table of Contents

Enum UserFlags


The flags on a User's account.

public enum UserFlags : ulong


ActiveDeveloper = 4194304

User has the 'Active Developer' badge. See

BotHttpInteractions = 524288

Undocumented. User is a bot with an interactions endpoint.

BugHunterLevel1 = 8

User has the 'Bug Hunter' badge.

BugHunterLevel2 = 16384

User has the 'Golden Bug Hunter' badge.

CertifiedModerator = 262144

User has the 'Moderator Program Alumni' badge.

Collaborator = 1125899906842624

Undocumented. User is a collaborator and has staff permissions.

Deleted = 17179869184

Undocumented and private. User's account is deleted.

DisablePremium = 2097152

Undocumented and private. User's Nitro features are disabled.

Disabled = 2199023255552

Undocumented and private. User's account is temporarily or permanently disabled.

DisabledSuspiciousActivity = 34359738368

Undocumented and private. User's account is disabled for suspicious activity.

HasUnreadUrgentMessages = 8192

Undocumented and private. User has unread messages from Discord.

HighGlobalRateLimit = 8589934592

Undocumented and private. User's account has a high global rate limit.

HypeSquad = 4

User has the 'HypeSquad Events' badge.

HypeSquadOnlineHouse1 = 64

User is a House of Bravery Member.

HypeSquadOnlineHouse2 = 128

User is a House of Brilliance Member.

HypeSquadOnlineHouse3 = 256

User is a House of Balance Member.

InternalApplication = 2048

Undocumented and private. User has a pending partner/verification application.

MfaSms = 16

Undocumented and private. User has SMS recovery for 2FA enabled.

Partner = 2

User is a Discord partner.

PremiumDiscriminator = 137438953472

Undocumented. User has a manually selected discriminator.

PremiumEarlySupporter = 512

User has the 'Early Supporter' badge.

PremiumPromotionDismissed = 32

Undocumented and private. User dismissed the Nitro promotion.

Quarantined = 17592186044416

Undocumented and private. User is quarantined. See

RestrictedCollaborator = 2251799813685248

Undocumented. User is a restricted collaborator and has staff permissions.

SelfDeleted = 68719476736

Undocumented and private. User's account was manually deleted.

Spammer = 1048576

Undocumented. User's account is flagged for spamming.

Staff = 1

User is a Discord employee.

System = 4096

Undocumented. User is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system).

TeamPseudoUser = 1024

User is a team. See

UnderageDeleted = 32768

Undocumented and private. User is pending deletion for being underage in DOB prompt.

UsedDesktopClient = 274877906944

Undocumented. User has used the desktop client.

UsedMobileClient = 1099511627776

Undocumented. User has used the mobile client.

UsedWebClient = 549755813888

Undocumented. User has used the web client.

VerifiedBot = 65536

User is a verified bot. See

VerifiedDeveloper = 131072

User has the 'Early Verified Developer' badge.

VerifiedEmail = 8796093022208

Undocumented. User has a verified email.