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Enum GatewayIntents


Intents are used to configure which events are passed to the bot via the gateway connection. Intents marked as privileged must be enabled in the application developer portal before being passed here, otherwise the connection will terminate with close code 4014.

public enum GatewayIntents : uint


All = GuildUsers | GuildPresences | MessageContent | AllNonPrivileged

Implies all available intents, including privileged intents.

AllNonPrivileged = Guilds | GuildModeration | GuildEmojisAndStickers | GuildIntegrations | GuildWebhooks | GuildInvites | GuildVoiceStates | GuildMessages | GuildMessageReactions | GuildMessageTyping | DirectMessages | DirectMessageReactions | DirectMessageTyping | GuildScheduledEvents | AutoModerationConfiguration | AutoModerationExecution | GuildMessagePolls | DirectMessagePolls

Implies all available intents, excluding privileged intents.

AutoModerationConfiguration = 1048576

Associated with the following events:
AutoModerationRuleCreate, AutoModerationRuleUpdate, AutoModerationRuleDelete

AutoModerationExecution = 2097152

Associated with the following events:

DirectMessagePolls = 33554432
DirectMessageReactions = 8192

Associated with the following events:
MessageReactionAdd, MessageReactionRemove, MessageReactionRemoveAll, MessageReactionRemoveEmoji

DirectMessageTyping = 16384

Associated with the following events:

DirectMessages = 4096

Associated with the following events:
MessageCreate, MessageUpdate, MessageDelete, ChannelPinsUpdate

GuildEmojisAndStickers = 8

Associated with the following events:
GuildEmojisUpdate, GuildStickersUpdate

GuildIntegrations = 16

Associated with the following events:
GuildIntegrationsUpdate, GuildIntegrationCreate, GuildIntegrationUpdate, GuildIntegrationDelete

GuildInvites = 64

Associated with the following events:
InviteCreate, InviteDelete

GuildMessagePolls = 16777216
GuildMessageReactions = 1024

Associated with the following events:
MessageReactionAdd, MessageReactionRemove, MessageReactionRemoveAll, MessageReactionRemoveEmoji

GuildMessageTyping = 2048

Associated with the following events:

GuildMessages = 512

Associated with the following events:
MessageCreate, MessageUpdate, MessageDelete, MessageDeleteBulk

GuildModeration = 4

Associated with the following events:
GuildAuditLogEntryCreate, GuildBanAdd, GuildBanRemove

GuildPresences = 256

Privileged, associated with the following events:

GuildScheduledEvents = 65536

Associated with the following events:
GuildScheduledEventCreate, GuildScheduledEventUpdate, GuildScheduledEventDelete, GuildScheduledEventUserAdd, GuildScheduledEventUserRemove

GuildUsers = 2

Privileged, associated with the following events:
GuildUserAdd, GuildUserUpdate, GuildUserRemove, GuildThreadUsersUpdate

GuildVoiceStates = 128

Associated with the following events:
VoiceChannelEffectSend VoiceStateUpdate

GuildWebhooks = 32

Associated with the following events:

Guilds = 1

Associated with the following events:

MessageContent = 32768

Privileged, ssociated with the following events:
MessageCreate, MessageUpdate, MessageDelete, ChannelPinsUpdate