Adding application commands with the .NET Generic Host is very easy. Use AddApplicationCommands(IServiceCollection) to add the application command service to your host builder. Then, use AddSlashCommand, AddUserCommand or AddMessageCommand to add an application command using the minimal APIs way and/or use AddModules(IHost, Assembly) to add application command modules from an assembly. You also need to use UseGatewayEventHandlers(IHost) to bind the service event handlers.
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using NetCord;
using NetCord.Hosting.Gateway;
using NetCord.Hosting.Services;
using NetCord.Hosting.Services.ApplicationCommands;
using NetCord.Rest;
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);
var host = builder.Build();
// Add commands using minimal APIs
host.AddSlashCommand("ping", "Ping!", () => "Pong!")
.AddUserCommand("Username", (User user) => user.Username)
.AddMessageCommand("Length", (RestMessage message) => message.Content.Length.ToString());
// Add commands from modules
// Add handlers to handle the commands
await host.RunAsync();
First, add the following lines to the using section.
using NetCord.Rest;
using NetCord.Services;
using NetCord.Services.ApplicationCommands;
Now, it's time to create ApplicationCommandService<TContext> instance and add application commands to it. You can do it by using AddSlashCommand, AddUserCommand or AddMessageCommand to add an application command using the minimal APIs way and/or by using AddModules(Assembly) to add application command modules from an assembly.
// Create the application command service
ApplicationCommandService<ApplicationCommandContext> applicationCommandService = new();
// Add commands using minimal APIs
applicationCommandService.AddSlashCommand("ping", "Ping!", () => "Pong!");
applicationCommandService.AddUserCommand("Username", (User user) => user.Username);
applicationCommandService.AddMessageCommand("Length", (RestMessage message) => message.Content.Length.ToString());
// Add commands from modules
We can add a command handler now. If you used a context other than ApplicationCommandContext, you may need to change the interaction type of the handler to the appropriate one.
// Add the handler to handle interactions
client.InteractionCreate += async interaction =>
// Check if the interaction is an application command interaction
if (interaction is not ApplicationCommandInteraction applicationCommandInteraction)
// Execute the command
var result = await applicationCommandService.ExecuteAsync(new ApplicationCommandContext(applicationCommandInteraction, client));
// Check if the execution failed
if (result is not IFailResult failResult)
// Return the error message to the user if the execution failed
await interaction.SendResponseAsync(InteractionCallback.Message(failResult.Message));
Now, we should send the commands to Discord, to make them usable. Add the following line under the handler:
// Create the commands so that you can use them in the Discord client
await applicationCommandService.CreateCommandsAsync(client.Rest, client.Id);
The Final Product
using NetCord;
using NetCord.Gateway;
using NetCord.Rest;
using NetCord.Services;
using NetCord.Services.ApplicationCommands;
GatewayClient client = new(new BotToken("Token from Discord Developer Portal"), new GatewayClientConfiguration()
Intents = default,
// Create the application command service
ApplicationCommandService<ApplicationCommandContext> applicationCommandService = new();
// Add commands using minimal APIs
applicationCommandService.AddSlashCommand("ping", "Ping!", () => "Pong!");
applicationCommandService.AddUserCommand("Username", (User user) => user.Username);
applicationCommandService.AddMessageCommand("Length", (RestMessage message) => message.Content.Length.ToString());
// Add commands from modules
// Add the handler to handle interactions
client.InteractionCreate += async interaction =>
// Check if the interaction is an application command interaction
if (interaction is not ApplicationCommandInteraction applicationCommandInteraction)
// Execute the command
var result = await applicationCommandService.ExecuteAsync(new ApplicationCommandContext(applicationCommandInteraction, client));
// Check if the execution failed
if (result is not IFailResult failResult)
// Return the error message to the user if the execution failed
await interaction.SendResponseAsync(InteractionCallback.Message(failResult.Message));
// Create the commands so that you can use them in the Discord client
await applicationCommandService.CreateCommandsAsync(client.Rest, client.Id);
client.Log += message =>
return default;
await client.StartAsync();
await Task.Delay(-1);